Nurtured Newsletter Jan 24

Your Monthly Nuggets on Womens Health


Welcome to my NEW Newsletter bringing you monthly nuggets on Health & Wellness, Nurturing yourself, Client Spotlights and more! Please feel free to forward to others and give me feedback on the content.

Jess x


Atomic Habits: A Quick Guide

As you set out to achieve your fitness goals in the New Year, adopting the principles of "Atomic Habits" by James Clear can be a game-changer. They’ve definitely helped me in my journey so here's a brief guide to get you started:

1. Start Small:

Focus on small changes – add a short workout to your morning routine, choose healthier snacks such as greek yoghurt, nuts and dark choc (+70%). Small habits lead to significant transformations over time.

2. Identity Alignment:

Make living a healthy lifestyle part of your identity. Shape your habits around the fit and active version of yourself, for example choose the stairs over the escalators and walk that short journey rather than drive if you can.

3. Make It Easy:

Make it easier to stick to your habits and do what you said you were going to do. If you want to work out in the morning, lay your kit out the night before so that it’s all ready for you when you wake up.

4. Habit Stacking:

Integrate new habits into existing routines. For example, if you want to establish a habit to practice your balance daily you could try standing on one leg for 30 secs at a time whilst you brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth is an existing habit and stacking your balance routine on top helps to establish the new habit.

5. Two-Minute Rule:

Overcome procrastination by just getting starting. For example, when we really don’t feel like doing what we said we would, we can ‘trick’ the brain by saying ‘I’ll just do two minutes’ e.g. a 2 minute workout. Focus on those initial steps, and momentum will often carry you through. For instance start with a gentle warm up and you’ll want to keep going once your heart rate is up!

Incorporate these atomic habits into your daily routine, and watch them pave the way for sustainable fitness goals in the New Year. Remember, lasting change starts with small, intentional steps. Happy and healthy New Year! 💪🎉

If you fancy a read, you can purchase the book here.


Recently I caught up with my inspiring client Coral, founder of made to order slow fashion brand Emiko to find out all about her approach to wellness and nurturing herself.


A couple of other things that have caught my eye recently:

1. How your social life can slow your ageing 

Since I read the incredible book ‘Age Proof’ by Professor Rose Anne Kenny, I’ve been fascinated by the proven link between our social lives and how quickly we ‘age’. The science shows that our sense of ‘community’ and ‘connection’ with others is integral to our overall health and wellness particularly in later life. So, my ears definitely perked up when I saw this topic again in the brilliant Zoe nutrition podcast. You can listen here. 

2. Finding time to exercise

Since my daughter Summer came along in May 2023 I can really relate to my clients with young children who struggle to find time to exercise. For me exercising daily is not just about physical health it’s also about mental health and feeling ‘good’ in myself so lacking the time to work-out daily has been a big adjustment! I recently re-read the brilliant book The 80-20 principle. This focuses on the so-called Pareto Principle that ‘20% of what you do makes 80% of the difference’ and it’s really helped to reframe things for me. Finding even 5 minutes a day and focusing on core muscle groups with full body compound exercises is making all the difference. Check out my instagram page for loads of key exercises targeting core muscle groups to get you started.


BODY TONE is back Friday 5th Jan!

  • Get fit and feel your best every Friday!

  • Full body resistance band and bodyweight class

  • Surrounded by beautiful exhibitions and garden views

  • At Didsbury Parsonage, every Friday 11.00am-11.50am

  • Lift weights to build strength and fitness at home

  • Full body strength interval class

  • Intermediate - Advanced Level

  • Try a 7 day FREE trial!

  • A perfect place to start to reach your goals!!

  • Training tailored to you

  • Private 1:1 or 2:1 PT Packages at Nurtured Studio

  • Get in touch to see if it’s right for you, email [email protected]

Thanks so much for reading my newsletter.

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With love.

Jess x